St John’s Primary School term dates adjusted

We are not hearing of any delays to the new St John’s building but  this has been issued:

20th April 2018
Dear Parents/Carers


I am writing to you to inform you that we have been granted exceptional closure approval, by the Scottish Government, for St John’s RC Primary School on the following dates:- Thursday 28th June (afternoon) , Friday 29th June ( morning ) , Monday 13th August and Tuesday 14th August (In-service days – exceptional closure not required) Wednesday 15th August ( full day ) , Thursday 16th August ( full day ) and Friday 17th August ( morning only ). Pupils will return on Monday 20th August. If there is to be a change to this, although a delay is not expected, I will of course keep you informed.

The new St John’s RC Primary building is scheduled to open in August 2018 and securing these days will enable a smooth start to the session.
The exceptional closure will allow time for packing, unpacking and re-siting of furniture and for the classrooms and offices to be prepared for pupils at the beginning of the new term.
I hope that this prior notice will enable families to put childcare provision in place for these dates.

Yours Sincerely
Barbara A Service
Ms Barbara A Service
Head Teacher


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